Firm Name

LAN ARABIA for Trading and contracting Company, Limited


 14 – February - 2003


95 consolidated (Current as of 1st June. 2008)


Ministry of trading and industry Approval ( 1131020555 )
 general : contracting , and trading

Special: electrical, mechanical and telecommunications installations and maintenance, and provision of engineering products.

Business Activities

1.         trading and importing and exporting the products described below:

(a) Electrical machinery and tools, electronic equipment, and data communications equipment.

(b) Construction equipment machine tools, transport apparatuses, and mechanical tools.

(c) Measurement tools, medical instruments, and other precision mechanical tools.

(d) Labs devices such as surveying devices.

(e) Safety equipment

2.         Civil,construction,mechanical and electrical installations and telecomunications contracting.

3.     Business related to contents of all items above


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